OSI Model
A = Authenticate / Address / Access
B = Border
C = Contol(er) / Code
D = Domain / Device / Datagram / Document / Directory
E = Extensible / Enrollment / Exchange
F = Forgery
G = Gateway
H = Human / Hash
I = Internet / Infrastructure / Information
J = Java
K = Key
L = LAN / Layer
M = Message (ing) / Model
N = Network / Name
O = Object / One
P = Protocol / Packet / Port /Private
Q = Quality
R = Resolution / Remote / Request
S = Service / Site / Simple
T = Time / Tunnel / Transport / Translate / Tree
U = User
V = Virtual / Validate / Vector
W = Wireless / WiFi
X = X / Cross
Y =
Z = Zone
ARP = Address Resolution Protocol
ICMP = Internet Control Message Protocol
UDP = User Datagram Protocol
NDES = Network Device Enrollment Support
Radius = Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service EAP Over LAN
MAC = Message Authentication Code
L2TP = Layer 2 tunneling protocol (UDP port 1701)
PPTP = Point to Point Tunneling Protocol
FRR = False Rejection Rate
MTBF = Mean time between failures
POP = Post Office Protocol
PIV = Personal Identity Verification - Certificate based
OTP = One Time password
PRNG = Psuedo Random Number Generator
SPAN = Switched Port Analyzer
STP = Spanning Tree Protocol (redundency can add multiple paths to the same destination, STP stops loops)(also RSTP, Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol)
IPsec - OSI Layer 3 UDP port 500 and 4500
RDP - 3389
LDAP Port 389 SSL/TLS Port 636 (Entries are in the DIT - Directory Information Tree)
IDEA Key 128 bits
Correlation Engines examine FireWall logs to anyalyze possible attacks
Tripwire monitors baseline configuration and changes to it
DDoS uses clients, handles, agents and targets
Threat actors = script kiddies, hacktivist, criminal syndicartes, state actors, advanced persistent threats (APT),
insiders, hackers, shadow IT, competitors
Kerberos = KDC (Key Distro Center) Most important, uses TGT, with symmetric keys Port 88 Protocol & Service
VLANs = Switches and Routers (ACLs also)
Cookies = Persistent web settings
X.509 = PFX Certificate
Macro Virus is written in some form of VB and is platform-independent
ACLs are on ROUTERS and Packet Filtering FireWalls
Bastion Host = trusted relay for inbound connections (Jump Server, Cloud)
DMZ is created by a Fire Wall
Control Types
Preventative - Prevents Security breaches
Detective - Detects Security breaches as they occur
Corrective - Restores control and attempts to correct any damage from a Security breache
Deterrent - Deters potential violations
Recovery - Restores resources
Compensative - Provides alternative control when no other control is available (All controls)
Directive - Mandtory controls based on Regulator or Environmental requirements
Certificate Information
SAN - Subject Alternative Name - Allows the addition of info like IP or hostname associated with the Cert
OCSP = Online Certificate Status Protocol (Replacing CRL)
CRL = Certificate Revokation List
Promiscious mode - Ignores MAC address
Switches - Layer 2, MAC listing, Can have admin port with all traffic for sniffing (Don't understand IP addresses) (trunking ports are switch to switch)
Routers Isolate broadcast traffic - Layer 3 - Can seperate into Subnets
Layer 3 Switches with VLAN (understands IP Address)
Non-Repudiation assures the data's origin is known.
CER = Crossover Error Rate (meausre of accuracy)
SLE (Single Loss Expectancy)
AV = Asset Value
EF = Exposure Factor
ALE = Annual Loss Expectancy
ARO = Annual Rate of Occurence
TOTP = Time-based One Time Password
HOTP = Hashed One Time Password
Transitive trust requires at least 3 parties. Federation can be 2 parties that agree to trust.
DEP = Data Execution Prevention
ASLR = Address Space Layout Randomization
HSTS = HTTP Strict Transport Security