Encryption turns plaintext into ciphertext
Steganography hides information within other information
Perfect Forward Secrecy Random Asymmetric keys used for each transaction
Symmetric Uses single key, can encrypt large amouts of data quickly (large amounts of data)
Asymmetric Uses 2 keys, private & public (small amounts of data)
S/MIME Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Exchange - Asymmetric
Diffie-Hellman Asymmetric.secure tunnel for symetic data Used by Internet Key Exchange (IKE) UDP port 500
XOR Exclusive OR , output is comparison of 2 bits
Stream cipher Applies encryption to one bit at a time
Block cipher Encrypts entire block of data such as 128 bits at a time
PRNG Pseudo-Random Number Generator
Nonce Often a random number that is used only once
3 types of data encryption. At Rest / In Flight / In Use
Encryption supports Confidentiality